Colouring the Cityscape
Constant colour requires effective planning and regular maintenance. During the fall, spring flowering bulbs and winter flowering annuals are planted. Come springtime we cover the cityscape with vibrant summer annuals. All plant material is professionally maintained year round to maximize colour and extend our client’s investment.
With 45 years experience in the commercial landscaping business, we understand the importance of a regular maintenance calendar to ensure the optimal appearance of plant material, regardless of the season. Tim Stone, President, is fond of saying “anything less and the plants will let us know”.
Our flora is always of superior quality because our suppliers respect Florenco’s commitment to providing the best quality plants as part of their service to clients.
We put tremendous quality and service into our baskets. The basket program has been refined over 25 years to optimize color over the peak season of June through September. A diligent maintenance schedule ensures these commercial hanging baskets maintain their dazzling brilliance over the hot summer months. Learn more about our hanging baskets and our commitment to 100% recycling of materials.
Can Florenco colour your corner of the cityscape? Discuss your property with one of our experienced staff members.
This is a feature block that you can use to highlight features.